Healthy Living Blog: Borrow The Belief

Someone believed I could so I did…

My friend Chalene Johnson sent me this picture today and it could not have arrived at a better time. You see, today was a super weird day. I was so pumped in my vision with ideas and as I shared with a few people I was told why those ideas would NOT work. They shared why they would take too much time, be too much work and why they would fail. And I started believing their reasoning. Dang- buzz kill.

Borrow The Belief pinterest thumbnailYou see people (with good intentions) will always do that. They will question our goals, challenge us and poke holes in why a vision or idea will not work. And we may even start to believe them and give up your goals!

And better yet, be intentional and surround yourself with people that DO support your vision!

And then how perfect timing! Chalene sent me this pic tonight and it brought back so many memories. I was speaking at her MIA Event a few years back.

It was the not first time I spoke from stage but it was the first time I spoke on a topic I had never shared before and it was the first time I sold a program from stage that I had created from nothing a few weeks prior.

Was I scared? YES
Was I nervous? YES
Did I have self doubt? YES
Was I afraid I’d fail? YES
Was I intimidated to learn a new skill? YES.

And I did it ANYWAYS.

Why? Because ONE PERSON (her) I BELIEVED I could. Chalene believed in me and that allowed me to Borrow the belief that I COULD do this.

You don’t need EVERYONE rooting for you. You don’t need to be comfortable. You just need one person that gives you a shot and to borrow that belief.


Natalie Jill

The post Borrow The Belief appeared first on Natalie Jill Fitness.

from Natalie Jill Fitness
by Natalie Jill
