Healthy Living Blog: What My 13 Year Old Teaches about Vision

What My 13 Year Old Teaches About Vision

Penelope GonzalezMy 13 year old reminds me about being VISION focussed every single day.

Ever since my daughter was a little girl she has talked about future things she wanted as if it WAS happening.

I was the same way as a little girl and am grateful that my parents engaged my dreams and aspirations vs telling me why they can’t / won’t happen.

I have watched as countless adults have told my daughter reasons WHY her goals are not possible… they do it out of well meaning intentions- I get that- but I love that she has stayed vision focused and I encourage that.

Penelope Gonzalez Singer age 13Watching her speak into her dreams has reminded me over and over again how kids start out VISION FOCUSSED and that life experiences and others opinions tend to make people enter self doubt and get stuck. Aging in reverse to me is all about getting back that child like attitude that “anything and everything is possible” Because it all IS possible. Decide- Get clear on VISION and then take massive action.

My daughter at 13 has big goals. She is working on a first music album (singing is her gift!) and a movie she is writing and I believe they will both come to fruition because she believes they will.

Decide… get clear on VISION… take massive ACTION! You as an adult can do this too!

The DVA method coming soon to help you with this.


Natalie Jill

The post What My 13 Year Old Teaches about Vision appeared first on Natalie Jill Fitness.

from Natalie Jill Fitness
by Natalie Jill
