Healthy Living Blog: How To Build Muscle

How To Build Muscle

How To Build Muscle

Grow muscles grow…

  • You will not look like a man.
  • You will not accidentally become a bodybuilder.
  • You WILL love what you become…

What more muscle means to YOU….

  • Your body (mass) takes up less SPACE (Muscle takes up less space than fat pound for pound)5 lbs of muscle and 5 lbs of fat BOTH weigh 5 lbs on the scale BUT the muscle takes up a lot less space than fat. So basically YOU LOOK BETTER, TIGHTER, SMALLER and MORE TONED
  • Your metabolism works better. The more muscle you have, the more calories you use at REST
  • You have less aches and pains. The more functionally fit you are , the more muscle you have, the LESS you feel pains in your joints

To build muscle:

  • DECIDE it is happening. Your AGE, your (insert whatever self imposed stop and belief you have here) are NOT going to get in your way. If you believe they will get in your way they will. Decide that you are changing this
  • Add Resistance training. You pick… Bodyweight, weights, bands, stability balls, equipment… you pick. Just make sure you are DOING resistance training and activating those muscles
  • PROGRESS. You have to make things more challenging for you. If you keep doing the same exercises over and over and over again without progressing you will not challenge your muscles and they will not grow.
  • EAT. Your muscles need Protein and Carbs to GROW. EAT.
  • Recover. Ice, rest, stretch, foam roll, some type of massage or self massage device
  • Drop the comparison and the ego. Do what you can from where you are right now! I am REBUILDING from 3 major injuries in the last year. I had to fully stop the stories of “what I used to look like” “what I used to know” and start learning again.

Now go grow those muscles.


Natalie Jill

Want to get started on your build a body journey!? Get stronger with me at home with your own bodyweight HERE!

The post How To Build Muscle appeared first on Natalie Jill Fitness.

from Natalie Jill Fitness
by Natalie Jill
